District No. 6920 | Club No. 4189

September 26, 2022

Meeting Minutes

President Bill Keoh rang the bell and called the meeting to order. 

Erick Montgomery gave the pledge and invocation

Brenda Durant gave the Sunshine Report today.

Club members introduced their guests in attendance today.


  • GRSP student Simbai needs transportation for upcoming events. Please contact Faye or Susan Jernigan, if you can provide transportation.
  • Please complete our club’s Google form to sign up to be a Cart Challenger.
  • October 17th -Signature fundraiser kick off
  • November 7th – Veterans Program
  • December 5th – Visit from District Governor Heather Kellen
  • Rick Franza announced the College Pick’em winner for the last week. Congratulation Betty Dyches.
  • President Faye called via Zoom from a Serbian Rotary meeting to discuss 3 Rotary Global Grants.

CART: Bill Keoh asked everyone to please continue to contribute to the blue buckets on the table or online at mycartfund.org using the same login credentials you use with DACDB.

This weeks inside challenger is Surendra Gupta and the outside challenger is AAPNAS Properties, A.K. Gulati

Guest Speaker/Program

Paul Dainer introduced our guest speaker Dr. John Henson, Hereditary Cancers.  

Dr. Henson practices neuro-oncology in the MCG Brain Tumor Program and manages patients with neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, con Hippel-Lindau and related genetic disorders in the MCG Neurofibromatosis Clinic. Dr. Henson founded and is the Director of the Hereditary Cancer Clinic at the Georgia Cancer Clinic.

Paul and Dr. Henson hosted a question-and-answer session concerning hereditary cancers. They discussed spontaneous versus hereditary cancer. They discussed how to identify and manage the risk of hereditary cancer. They discussed different genes that are predictors of cancer. Direct to consumer genetic testing is now available and tests for 88 know genes. 

Bill Keoh led us in reciting the four-way test and then adjourned the meeting. 

Easy links to pages on our website
Rotary schedule of meeting dates and speakers  
Member Proposal Form 
Online directory - Find a member or update your information
Bulletins - Weekly bulletins from 2014-current